Thursday, January 6, 2011

Writing Assignment 1: Making Goals that Stick

Now that you’ve completed the pre-writing and drafting, it’s time to revise (really revise) your writing and make sure that you have fulfilled the expectations of the assignment.


· Write a letter or poem that addresses the following;

o Reflections over the last year – mention at least three events

o Goals that you have for this year – discuss three goals (you should also tell why these goals are important to you in this point and time)

o Provide one mini-action that you are going to take within the next two weeks towards fulfilling one of your goals (For example, if your ultimate goal is to lose 15 pounds, your mini-action may be that for the next two weeks you will go to the gym three days a week).

o Correct any spelling errors

o Letter should be typed, double-spaced, size 12 font, with proper class heading (check syllabus-it’s online).

o Each of the content expectations above: they should be at least one detailed paragraph or detailed stanza.

Your final, published work is due Friday, Jan. 7. This is NOT to be completed on your blog. It should be on a Word document.

As with ALL assignments, I LOVE THE DETAILS….BE THOROUGH!!!

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