Thursday, March 31, 2011

Vocabulary Words #1-40

1.Succor(n)- help; aid
2.Sagacious(adj)- discerning; keen practical sense
3.Fortuitous(adj)- happening by chance
4.Prowess(n)- bravery; unusual skill or ability
5.Beset(v)- to attack on all sides; surround
6.Implacable(adj)- unyielding; not to be satisfied or relieved
7.Antipathy(n)- strong dislike; hostile
8.Ephemeral(adj)- lasting a short time; very short lived
9.Decorum(n)- proper behavior; good taste; orderliness
10.Elucidate(v)- to make clear; explain
11.Alacrity(n)- liveliness; cheerful willingness; brisk & eager action
12.Droll(adj)- amusingly odd
13.Magnanimous(adj)- generous in forgiving; above small meannesses
14.Whet(v)- to sharpen; make keen or eager
15.Reticent(adj)- not speaking freely; reserved
16.Zealous(adj)- eager; earnest; devoted
17.Voluble(adj)- characterized by a ready flow of words; fluent
18.Vehement(adj)- intense; emotional; powerful
19.Tacit(adj)- unspoken; silent; not to be expressed in words
20.Officious(adj)- meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority
21.Beret (adj)- Deprived of; made unhappy through loss
22.Fracas (n)- noisy quarrel; brawl
23.Commodious (adj)- roomy
24.Denounce (v)- to condemn strongly; speak out
25.Zenith (adj)- highest point; culminating point
26.Curtail (V)- to cut short
27.Fathom (v)- to reach an understanding of; get to the bottom; A ,measure depth in water
28.Indelible (adj) not able to be erased or removed
29.Assiduous (adj)- persistent; attentive; diligent
30.Quandary (n)- condition of being confused
31.Vitriolic (adj)- extremely biting ; sharp; bitter
32.Recalcitrant (adj)- refusing to obey rules or following orders; unmanageably resistant
33.Soothsayer (n)- a person who is able to predict the future
34.Homage (n)- Respect shown by external action
35.Portent (n)- a sign; forewarning
36.Spurn (v)- to reject; scorn
37.Affable- friendly; easy to approach; warm; affectionate
38.Impassive (adj)- without feeling or emotion
39.Placid (adj)- outwardly calm; composed; self satisfied; peaceful
40.Mutiny (n)- open rebellion against authority

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