Tuesday, April 12, 2011

HW: Campaign Speech (honors)

Public speaking requires many skills beyond being able to speak. You must also know how to write eloquent and crowd-moving speeches. Think “I Have a Dream” and presidential addresses. Many leaders even hire speech writers to help them create their masterpieces. You’ve now been hired by either Brutus or Marc Antony to help them with their campaign to lead Rome. Now that we’ve learned about several persuasive techniques, you must incorporate them into a well-written and convincing speech. Brutus now would like very much to be the leader in Rome, but as we have heard from Antony’s speech he, too, would like to lead Rome.


  • Your assignment is to write a campaign speech for one of these two men. You must include at least three persuasive techniques (use your handout and notes). Your campaign speech should be at least 200 words in length, typed, double-spaced.


  • (10 points) Type your paper and have your name, teacher, period, and date in the left corner. Your chosen character (Brutus or Antony) should be your title.

  • (30 points) Highlight the rhetorical devices in your speech and annotate in the margins which rhetorical devices you used and why.

  • (20 points) Provide notes (stage directions) on HOW you should deliver your speech (i.e. take a pause, raise/lower your voice, etc.)

  • (10 points) Show clear support for the leadership of either Brutus or Antony

  • (10 points) Be written for the plebians of Rome

  • (10 points) Be ready on Thursday, April 14, 2011; several students will be selected to present their speeches to the class

  • (10 points) Be clean in nature (school-appropriate) and free of grammatical/spelling errors

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